Thursday, April 25, 2019

Real and Actual are two words which we occasionally distinguish from each other. In minor sense they are same but in broader sense of view they are not same all the time.
                      We mark those things as real which we can see in our naked eyes, which follows the fundamental laws of physics and psychologically accepted. As a example if we take a piece of candle, everyone will realize that this is a candle because it is accepted by our general understanding. This is realization. But if we want to dig farther we will see something which is more true in sense of science. And from here comes the view of actualization.
                      We can easily understand the 'ACTUALITY' if we consider the most controversial hypothetical theory - 'String Theory'. Lets take the same example again, the piece of candle. If we want to know what are the constituents of the candle, we can easily say atoms and molecules. If we break them up we will find protons, neutrons and electrons. If we farther break these we will get Quarks and Leptons which are the building blocks of proton, neutron and electrons respectively. Here the understanding of modern physics stops. But according to String Theory Quarks are not the fundamental particles. The Quarks are made up of strings(closed or open). These strings are so tiny that we can not see them in any way. Everything in this universe is made up of these strings and they vibrate at a different frequency. Like for a stone,  water , gas for everything these vibrate at different frequencies which make them distinguishable. But string theory only works at multi dimensions and we live in 3 dimensional world. So, there must be another dimensions which we can not see. Scientists suggested that there are two types of dimensions, big dimensions which are visible and small/tiny dimensions which we can not see but exists everywhere. Now only the strings can travel through the dimensions. So it is possible that the strings which made the candle in other dimensions that may not be a candle, that maybe something else. This is actuality.
                                                      fig: Strings(closed)

                        In short we can say whatever we see in daily life, whatever we marked them as our understanding, whatever we say real that maybe something else in other dimensions. That may not be actual. That can be something else, something beyond our understanding.


  1. Can u tell something more about string theory.

    1. certainly. I will elaborate this in another blog.

  2. Can you give an example of something which is 'actual' in all dimensions.

    1. There is no specific thing which is actual in all dimensions only you can think of the strings which are certainly actual.
